Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Quantitative Analysis of a Promising Cancer Biomarker, Calretinin, by a Biosensing System Based on Simple and Effective Immobilization Process

Asav, Engin; Sagiroglu, Ayten; Sezginturk, Mustafa Kemal


  "conceptrecid": "59214", 
  "created": "2021-03-16T00:42:19.216243+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.1002/elan.201500324", 
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        "id": "tubitak-destekli-proje-yayinlari"
    "creators": [
        "affiliation": "Kirklareli Univ, Sch Hlth, TR-39000 Kirklareli, Turkey", 
        "name": "Asav, Engin"
        "affiliation": "Trakya Univ, Fac Sci, Dept Chem, TR-22030 Edirne, Turkey", 
        "name": "Sagiroglu, Ayten"
        "affiliation": "Namik Kemal Univ, Fac Sci, Dept Chem, Tekirdag, Turkey", 
        "name": "Sezginturk, Mustafa Kemal"
    "description": "Calretinin (CAL) is calcium binding protein, and its levels in blood and cerebrospinal fluids are increased, since its expression is increased various cancer types. A novel biosensor system fabricated by immobilization of a specific antibody to CAL, anti-Calretinin (anti-CAL), onto a gold electrode surface via an effective covalent binding method using mercaptohexanol, epichlorohydrin, and ethanolamine was reported for the sensitive, selective, and accurate analysis of CAL. The proposed biosensor showed a linear calibration range between 1 ng/mL and 5 ng/mL. LOD and LOQ values were determined as 0.11 ng/mL and 0.38 ng/mL, respectively. The standard deviation related to the reproducibility of the new biosensor system was calculated as 3.95%. Lastly, in order to state the applicability of the biosensor to early diagnosis of CAL in practice, artificial serum samples spiked with CAL have been analyzed by the proposed biosensor.", 
    "doi": "10.1002/elan.201500324", 
    "has_grant": false, 
    "journal": {
      "issue": "2", 
      "pages": "334-342", 
      "title": "ELECTROANALYSIS", 
      "volume": "28"
    "license": {
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    "publication_date": "2016-01-01", 
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      "title": "Dergi makalesi", 
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    "title": "Quantitative Analysis of a Promising Cancer Biomarker, Calretinin, by a Biosensing System Based on Simple and Effective Immobilization Process"
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  "updated": "2021-03-16T00:42:19.260427+00:00"
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Veri hacmi 1.4 kB
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