Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Comparision of in situ spectroscopic ellipsometer and ex situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth profiling analysis of HfO2/Hf/Si multilayer structure

Cantas, Ayten; Ozyuzer, Lutfi; Aygun, Gulnur


  "conceptrecid": "34898", 
  "created": "2021-03-15T19:15:27.388340+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.1088/2053-1591/aad856", 
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        "id": "tubitak-destekli-proje-yayinlari"
    "creators": [
        "name": "Cantas, Ayten"
        "affiliation": "Izmir Inst Technol, Dept Phys, TR-35430 Izmir, Turkey", 
        "name": "Ozyuzer, Lutfi"
        "affiliation": "Izmir Inst Technol, Dept Phys, TR-35430 Izmir, Turkey", 
        "name": "Aygun, Gulnur"
    "description": "A HfO2 film was grown by RF magnetron sputtering technique on a Si substrate Using in situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (SE), the film thickness and refractive index were examined as a function of deposition time. Ex situ x-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) was used in depth profile mode to determine the phase evolution of HfO2/Hf/Si multilayer structure after the growth process. The chemical composition and the crystal structure of the film were investigated by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic measurements and x-ray Diffraction in Grazing Incidence (GI-XRD) mode, respectively. The results showed that the film was grown in the form of HfO2 film. According to SE analysis, reactive deposition of HfO2 directly on Hf/Si results to SiO2 interface of about 2 nm. The final HfO2 films thickness is 5.4 nm. After a certain period of time, the XPS depth profile revealed that the film was in the form of Hf-rich Hf silicate with SiO2 interfacial layer. In reference to XPS quantification analysis from top to bottom of film, the atomic concentration of Hf element reduces from 19.35% to 7.13%, whereas Si concentration increases from 22.99% to 74.89%. The phase change of HfO2 film with time is discussed in details.", 
    "doi": "10.1088/2053-1591/aad856", 
    "has_grant": false, 
    "journal": {
      "issue": "9", 
      "volume": "5"
    "license": {
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    "publication_date": "2018-01-01", 
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      "subtype": "article", 
      "title": "Dergi makalesi", 
      "type": "publication"
    "title": "Comparision of in situ spectroscopic ellipsometer and ex situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth profiling analysis of HfO2/Hf/Si multilayer structure"
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  "updated": "2021-03-15T19:15:27.439425+00:00"
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Veri hacmi 932 Bytes
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