Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Stress in utero alters neonatal stress-induced regulation of the synaptic plasticity proteins Arc and Egr1 in a sex-specific manner

Groeger, Nicole; Bock, Joerg; Goehler, Daniela; Blume, Nicole; Lisson, Nicole; Poeggel, Gerd; Braun, Katharina


  author       = {Groeger, Nicole and
                  Bock, Joerg and
                  Goehler, Daniela and
                  Blume, Nicole and
                  Lisson, Nicole and
                  Poeggel, Gerd and
                  Braun, Katharina},
  title        = {{Stress in utero alters neonatal stress-induced 
                   regulation of the synaptic plasticity proteins Arc
                   and Egr1 in a sex-specific manner}},
  journal      = {BRAIN STRUCTURE \& FUNCTION},
  year         = 2016,
  volume       = 221,
  number       = 1,
  pages        = {679-685},
  month        = jan,
Görüntülenme 27
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