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The effect of interleukin (IL)-21 and CD4(+)CD25(++) T cells on cytokine production of CD4(+) responder T cells in patients with myasthenia gravis

Alahgholi-Hajibehzad, M.; Durmus, H.; Aysal, F.; Guelsen-Parman, Y.; Oflazer, P.; Deymeer, F.; Saruhan-Direskeneli, G.

Citation Style Language JSON

  "DOI": "10.1111/cei.13006", 
  "abstract": "Impairment of the suppressive function of regulatory T (T-reg) cells has been reported in myasthenia gravis (MG). In this study, cytokine-related mechanisms that may lead to the defect of T-reg were investigated in patients with anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody-positive MG (AChR+MG). Proliferation and cytokine production of responder T (T-resp) cells in response to polyclonal activation were measured in a suppression assay. The effect of interleukin (IL)-21 on suppression was evaluated in vitro in co-culture. IL-21 increased the proliferation of T-resp cells in T-resp/T-reg co-cultures. T-resp cells from patients with MG secreted significantly lower levels of IL-2. In patients with MG, IL-2 levels did not change with the addition of T-reg to cultures, whereas it decreased significantly in controls. In T-resp/T-reg co-cultures, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10 production increased in the presence of T-reg in patients. Interferon (IFN)-gamma was decreased, whereas IL-17A was increased in both patient and control groups. IL-21 inhibited the secretion of IL-4 in MG and healthy controls (HC), and IL-17A in HC only. The results demonstrated that IL-21 enhances the proliferation of T-resp cells in the presence of T-reg. An effect of IL-21 mainly on T-resp cells through IL-2 is implicated.", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Alahgholi-Hajibehzad", 
      "given": " M."
      "family": "Durmus", 
      "given": " H."
      "family": "Aysal", 
      "given": " F."
      "family": "Guelsen-Parman", 
      "given": " Y."
      "family": "Oflazer", 
      "given": " P."
      "family": "Deymeer", 
      "given": " F."
      "family": "Saruhan-Direskeneli", 
      "given": " G."
  "id": "47199", 
  "issue": "2", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "page": "201-207", 
  "title": "The effect of interleukin (IL)-21 and CD4(+)CD25(++) T cells on cytokine production of CD4(+) responder T cells in patients with myasthenia gravis", 
  "type": "article-journal", 
  "volume": "190"
Görüntülenme 18
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Tekil indirme 5

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