Veri seti Açık Erişim
Erdoğan, Metin; Çinkaya, Samet; Brenig, Bertram; Çelikeloğlu, Koray; Demirtaş, Mustafa; Sarıibrahimoğlu, Suat; Tekerli, Mustafa
{ "conceptrecid": "274007", "created": "2024-10-09T15:30:34.097388+00:00", "doi": "10.3389/fvets.2024.1461075", "files": [ { "bucket": "9f08746f-4253-41e9-afb2-4541e196f907", "checksum": "md5:afc106c6b60e6f92ab897acd405eb59b", "key": "GenotypingData_SNPAnnotations.xlsx", "links": { "self": "" }, "size": 3113257, "type": "xlsx" }, { "bucket": "9f08746f-4253-41e9-afb2-4541e196f907", "checksum": "md5:9d19b372579f996200f0acc5d59ec702", "key": "GenotypingData.xlsx", "links": { "self": "" }, "size": 54179116, "type": "xlsx" } ], "id": 274008, "links": { "badge": "", "bucket": "", "doi": "", "html": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "" }, "metadata": { "access_right": "open", "access_right_category": "success", "creators": [ { "affiliation": "Afyon Kocatepe \u00dcniversitesi", "name": "Erdo\u011fan, Metin" }, { "affiliation": "Afyon Kocatepe \u00dcniversitesi", "name": "\u00c7inkaya, Samet", "orcid": "0000-0003-0736-4571" }, { "affiliation": "Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Georg August University G\u00f6ttingen, G\u00f6ttingen, Germany", "name": "Brenig, Bertram" }, { "affiliation": "Afyon Kocatepe \u00dcniversitesi", "name": "\u00c7elikelo\u011flu, Koray" }, { "affiliation": "Afyon Kocatepe \u00dcniversitesi", "name": "Demirta\u015f, Mustafa" }, { "affiliation": "Kaanlar Agriculture and Livestock Farm", "name": "Sar\u0131ibrahimo\u011flu, Suat" }, { "affiliation": "Afyon Kocatepe \u00dcniversitesi", "name": "Tekerli, Mustafa" } ], "description": "<p>The study presents a comprehensive investigation into the genetic determinants<br>\nof 100-day milk yield (100DMY), 305-day milk yield (305DMY), total milk yield<br>\n(TMY), and persistency using first lactation records of 374 Holstein heifers reared<br>\nin a private farm at Çanakkale province of Türkiye, employing a genome-wide<br>\nassociation study (GWAS) approach. The research underscores the substantial<br>\ngenetic component underlying these economically important traits through<br>\ndetailed descriptive statistics and heritability estimations. The estimated<br>\nmoderate to high heritabilities (0.32–0.54) for milk production traits suggest the<br>\nfeasibility of targeted genetic improvement strategies. By leveraging GWAS, the<br>\nstudy identifies many significant and suggestively significant single nucleotide<br>\npolymorphisms (SNP) associated with studied traits. Noteworthy genes have<br>\nidentified in this analysis include BCAS3, MALRD1, CTNND2, DOCK1, TMEM132C,<br>\nNRP1, CNTNAP2, GPRIN2, PLEKHA5, GLRA1, SCN7A, HHEX, KTM2C, RAB40C,<br>\nRAB11FIP3, and FXYD6. These findings provide valuable understandings of<br>\nthe genetic background of milk production and persistency in Holstein cattle,<br>\nshedding light on specific genomic regions and candidate genes playing pivotal<br>\nroles in these traits. This research contributes valuable knowledge to the field<br>\nof dairy cattle genetics and informs future breeding efforts to improve milk<br>\nproduction sustainability and efficiency in Holstein cattle populations.</p>", "doi": "10.3389/fvets.2024.1461075", "has_grant": false, "journal": { "title": "Frontiers in Veterinary Science" }, "keywords": [ "gwas", "candidate genes", "milk production", "persistency", "Holstein heifers", "cattle" ], "language": "eng", "license": { "id": "cc-by-nc-4.0" }, "publication_date": "2024-09-02", "relations": { "version": [ { "count": 1, "index": 0, "is_last": true, "last_child": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "274008" }, "parent": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "274007" } } ] }, "resource_type": { "title": "Veri seti", "type": "dataset" }, "science_branches": [ "Sa\u011fl\u0131k Bilimleri > Veteriner Bilimleri > Zootekni ve Hayvan Besleme > Zootekni (Yeti\u015ftirme ve Islah) > B\u00fcy\u00fckba\u015f" ], "title": "Genome-wide Association Studies for Milk Production Traits and Persistency of First Calving Holstein Cattle in T\u00fcrkiye" }, "owners": [ 2428 ], "revision": 1, "stats": { "downloads": 29.0, "unique_downloads": 28.0, "unique_views": 91.0, "version_downloads": 29.0, "version_unique_downloads": 28.0, "version_unique_views": 91.0, "version_views": 97.0, "version_volume": 907338197.0, "views": 97.0, "volume": 907338197.0 }, "updated": "2024-10-09T15:30:34.175784+00:00" }
Görüntülenme | 97 |
İndirme | 29 |
Veri hacmi | 907.3 MB |
Tekil görüntülenme | 91 |
Tekil indirme | 28 |