Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

The effects of Nigella sativa seeds and thymoquinone on aflatoxin phase-2 detoxification through glutathione and glutathione-S-transferase alpha-3, and the relationship between aflatoxin B-1-DNA adducts in broilers

Ates, Mehmet Burak; Ortatatli, Mustafa


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  "created": "2022-10-07T09:06:56.969589+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.1016/j.toxicon.2021.01.020", 
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        "id": "tubitak-destekli-proje-yayinlari"
    "creators": [
        "affiliation": "Selcuk Univ, Fac Vet Med, Dept Pathol, TR-42130 Konya, Turkey", 
        "name": "Ates, Mehmet Burak"
        "affiliation": "Selcuk Univ, Fac Vet Med, Dept Pathol, TR-42130 Konya, Turkey", 
        "name": "Ortatatli, Mustafa"
    "description": "The primary pathway of the detoxification of aflatoxin (AF) metabolites occurring at the end of phase-1 biotransformation is glutathione (GSH) conjugation via glutathione-S-transferase (GST) enzyme in phase-2. In this study, the activity of Nigella sativa seeds (NS) and thymoquinone (TQ) on phase-2 detoxification pathways of AF was investigated in light of GSH, GST alpha-3 (GSTA3), and AFB(1)-DNA adducts detected by the immunohistochemical method in broilers' livers. One-hundred twenty chickens at one-day-old were divided into six groups as the control (CNT), AF, TQ, NS, AF + TQ, and AF + NS groups and fed for 28 days. AF, TQ, and NS were added to the relevant diets at 2 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg, and 5%, respectively. The administration of AF alone strongly stimulated the formation of AFB(1)-DNA adduct and reduced GSH and GSTA3 levels in hepatocytes (p < 0,01). In contrast, TQ and NS were found to reduce significantly the amount of AFB(1)-DNA adducts in AF + TQ and AF + NS groups (p < 0,01). We concluded that NS and TQ achieved this by increasing GSH and GSTA3 levels (p < 0,01) thanks to their antioxidant properties, and hence detoxifying the reactive metabolites of AF. Also, we consider that the AFB(1)-DNA adduct constituted in 28 days can be used as a biomarker for exposure to AF in broilers.", 
    "doi": "10.1016/j.toxicon.2021.01.020", 
    "has_grant": false, 
    "journal": {
      "pages": "86-92", 
      "title": "TOXICON", 
      "volume": "193"
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    "publication_date": "2021-01-01", 
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    "title": "The effects of Nigella sativa seeds and thymoquinone on aflatoxin phase-2 detoxification through glutathione and glutathione-S-transferase alpha-3, and the relationship between aflatoxin B-1-DNA adducts in broilers"
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  "updated": "2022-10-07T09:06:57.023138+00:00"
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