Konferans bildirisi Açık Erişim

Evaluation of Proprioceptive Sense of the Elbow Joint with RehabRoby

Ozkul, Fatih; Barkana, Duygun Erol; Demirbas, Sule Badilli; Inal, Scrap

Citation Style Language JSON

  "URL": "https://aperta.ulakbim.gov.tr/record/20281", 
  "abstract": "In recent years, robot-assisted rehabilitation systems have been an active research area that can quantitatively monitor and adapt to patient progress, and ensure consistency during rehabilitation. In this work, an exoskeleton type robot-assisted rehabilitation system called RehabRoby is developed. A control architecture, which contains a high level controller and a low level controller, is designed for RehabRoby. Proprioceptive sense of healthy subjects has been evaluated during the execution of a task with RehabRoby. Additionally, usability of RehabRoby has been evaluated using a questionnaire.", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Ozkul", 
      "given": " Fatih"
      "family": "Barkana", 
      "given": " Duygun Erol"
      "family": "Demirbas", 
      "given": " Sule Badilli"
      "family": "Inal", 
      "given": " Scrap"
  "id": "20281", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "title": "Evaluation of Proprioceptive Sense of the Elbow Joint with RehabRoby", 
  "type": "paper-conference"
Görüntülenme 10
İndirme 4
Veri hacmi 780 Bytes
Tekil görüntülenme 10
Tekil indirme 4

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