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A Visual Semiotic Analysis of Schoolbooks in the Tuvan Language

   Altundas, Ug ur

The Tuvan language is a South Siberian Turkic language spoken by the Tuvan people who live in the Republic of Tyva, an au-tonomous republic in the South Siberian region of Russia. The Re-public of Tyva is a bilingual region where both Russian and Tuvan are spoken. However, Russian is the dominant language, and therefore Tuvan has fallen to the status of a second language for the Tuvan people. In such an environment, the teaching of Tuvan as a native language is of great importance. In this article, two primary school-books used in the teaching of Tuvan have been considered from the aspect of visual semiotics. Through this article, I aim to show the effects of visual semiotics on native language education.

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