Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Multi-stream pose convolutional neural networks for human interaction recognition in images

Tanisik, Gokhan; Zalluhoglu, Cemil; Ikizler-Cinbis, Nazli

Dublin Core

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<oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="" xmlns:oai_dc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <dc:creator>Tanisik, Gokhan</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Zalluhoglu, Cemil</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Ikizler-Cinbis, Nazli</dc:creator>
  <dc:description>Recognizing human interactions in still images is quite a challenging task since compared to videos, there is only a glimpse of interaction in a single image. This work investigates the role of human poses in recognizing human-human interactions in still images. To this end, a multi-stream convolutional neural network architecture is proposed, which fuses different levels of human pose information to recognize human interactions better. In this context, several pose-based representations are explored. Experimental evaluations in an extended benchmark dataset show that the proposed multi-stream pose Convolutional Neural Network is successful in discriminating a wide range of human-human interactions and human poses when used in conjunction with the overall context provides discriminative cues about human-human interactions.</dc:description>
  <dc:title>Multi-stream pose convolutional neural networks for human interaction recognition in images</dc:title>
Görüntülenme 19
İndirme 5
Veri hacmi 990 Bytes
Tekil görüntülenme 19
Tekil indirme 5

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