Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Room-temperature photoluminescence in layered epsilon-GaSe, GaSe0.9S0.1, GaSe0.8S0.2 under pressure

Masui, A; Onari, S; Allakhverdiev, K; Gashimzade, F; Mamedov, T

Dublin Core

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<oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="" xmlns:oai_dc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <dc:creator>Masui, A</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Onari, S</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Allakhverdiev, K</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Gashimzade, F</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Mamedov, T</dc:creator>
  <dc:description>Photoluminescence spectra of the direct free excitons and strain-induced states in epsilon -GaSe, GaSe0.9S0.1, and GaSe0.8S0.2 under hydrostatic pressure up to 1 GPa are reported for the first time. Red-shift and broadening with pressure were detected for all bands. The pressure coefficients of the direct free excitons and strain-induced slates were determined and compared with those existing in literature.</dc:description>
  <dc:source>PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC RESEARCH 223(1) 139-143</dc:source>
  <dc:title>Room-temperature photoluminescence in layered epsilon-GaSe, GaSe0.9S0.1, GaSe0.8S0.2 under pressure</dc:title>
Görüntülenme 41
İndirme 8
Veri hacmi 1.9 kB
Tekil görüntülenme 39
Tekil indirme 8

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