Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Preparation and characterization of mu-nitrido diiron phthalocyanines with electron-withdrawing substituents: application for catalytic aromatic oxidation

Isci, Uemit; Afanasiev, Pavel; Millet, Jean-Marc M.; Kudrik, Evgeny V.; Ahsen, Vefa; Sorokin, Alexander B.


  "conceptrecid": "93696", 
  "created": "2021-03-16T12:52:16.905189+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.1039/b902592h", 
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    "creators": [
        "name": "Isci, Uemit"
        "affiliation": "Univ Lyon 1, IRCELYON, CNRS, UMR 5256, F-69626 Villeurbanne, France", 
        "name": "Afanasiev, Pavel"
        "affiliation": "Univ Lyon 1, IRCELYON, CNRS, UMR 5256, F-69626 Villeurbanne, France", 
        "name": "Millet, Jean-Marc M."
        "affiliation": "Univ Lyon 1, IRCELYON, CNRS, UMR 5256, F-69626 Villeurbanne, France", 
        "name": "Kudrik, Evgeny V."
        "name": "Ahsen, Vefa"
        "affiliation": "Univ Lyon 1, IRCELYON, CNRS, UMR 5256, F-69626 Villeurbanne, France", 
        "name": "Sorokin, Alexander B."
    "description": "mu-Nitrido-bis [tetra-(hexyl-sulfonyl)phthalocyaninatoiron] (3a) and mu-nitrido-bis [tetra-(tert-butylsulfonyl)phthalocyaninatoiron] (3b) complexes have been prepared and fully characterized by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, UV-Vis, FTIR, EPR, Mossbauer techniques as well as by X-ray photoelectron and Fe K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopies. Small changes at the periphery of the phthalocyanine ligand introduce a difference in the iron oxidation state. While 3b with tert-butyl substituents is a neutral complex with a mixed-valence Fe-3.5-N-Fe-3.5 structural unit, 3a having n-hexyl substituents is an oxidized cationic Fe-IV-N-Fe-IV complex. The structural parameters of N-bridged diiron phthalocyanine with a Fe-3.5-N-Fe-3.5 unit were determined for the first time. Iron atoms in 3b are displaced out of plane by 0.24 angstrom and the Fe-N bond distance of the linear Fe-N-Fe fragment is equal to 1.67 angstrom. Both complexes selectively catalyze benzylic oxidation of alkyl aromatic compounds by (BuOOH)-Bu-t. Toluene was oxidized to benzoic acid with 80% selectivity, and the total turnover number was as high as 197. p-Toluic acid was the principal product of p-xylene oxidation. In this case the turnover number achieved 587 substrate molecules per molecule of catalyst. The described catalytic system is complementary to the recently reported system based on mu-nitrido diiron tetrabutylphthalocyanine-H2O2 which effectively oxidizes the benzene ring.", 
    "doi": "10.1039/b902592h", 
    "has_grant": false, 
    "journal": {
      "issue": "36", 
      "pages": "7410-7420", 
      "title": "DALTON TRANSACTIONS"
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    "publication_date": "2009-01-01", 
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      "title": "Dergi makalesi", 
      "type": "publication"
    "title": "Preparation and characterization of mu-nitrido diiron phthalocyanines with electron-withdrawing substituents: application for catalytic aromatic oxidation"
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  "updated": "2021-03-16T12:52:16.953522+00:00"
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