Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Changes in the levels of some acute-phase proteins in human immunodeficiency virus-1 infected patients, following interleukin-2 treatment

Barbai, V. H.; Ujhelyi, E.; Szlavik, J.; Vietorisz, I.; Varga, L.; Fey, E.; Fust, G.; Banhegyi, D.


  "conceptrecid": "27022", 
  "created": "2021-03-15T12:16:07.686950+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.1111/j.1365-2249.2010.04145.x", 
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        "id": "tubitak-destekli-proje-yayinlari"
    "creators": [
        "affiliation": "Fovarosi Onkormanyzat Egyesitett Szent Istvan & S, Dept Immunol, H-1097 Budapest, Hungary", 
        "name": "Barbai, V. H."
        "affiliation": "Fovarosi Onkormanyzat Egyesitett Szent Istvan & S, Dept Immunol, H-1097 Budapest, Hungary", 
        "name": "Ujhelyi, E."
        "affiliation": "Fovarosi Onkormanyzat Egyesitett Szent Istvan & S, Dept Trop Dis, H-1097 Budapest, Hungary", 
        "name": "Szlavik, J."
        "affiliation": "Fovarosi Onkormanyzat Egyesitett Szent Istvan & S, Dept Clin Chem, H-1097 Budapest, Hungary", 
        "name": "Vietorisz, I."
        "affiliation": "Semmelweis Univ, Dept Internal Med 3, Budapest, Hungary", 
        "name": "Varga, L."
        "affiliation": "Fovarosi Onkormanyzat Egyesitett Szent Istvan & S, Dept Clin Chem, H-1097 Budapest, Hungary", 
        "name": "Fey, E."
        "affiliation": "Semmelweis Univ, Dept Internal Med 3, Budapest, Hungary", 
        "name": "Fust, G."
        "affiliation": "Fovarosi Onkormanyzat Egyesitett Szent Istvan & S, Dept Trop Dis, H-1097 Budapest, Hungary", 
        "name": "Banhegyi, D."
    "description": "P>Intermittent interleukin (IL)-2 administration to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 infected patients is well documented and generally used, but there is limited information about the changes of acute-phase protein (APP) levels in response to this treatment. Fifteen patients undergoing highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) treatment, with undetectable viral load, but low CD4+ cell count (< 300/mu l), have been treated with 3 center dot 6 M IU Proleukine (R) administered twice daily by subcutaneous injection over 5 days. C-reactive protein (CRP), d-dimer, C3, C9, C1-inh and alpha-2HS glycoprotein levels were measured immediately before IL-2 administration, as well as on day 5 and 2-3 weeks thereafter. After IL-2 administration, both mean d-dimer and CRP levels increased significantly (P < 0 center dot 001), but returned (P < 0 center dot 001) to baseline within the subsequent 2-3 weeks. Alpha-2HS glycoprotein decreased immediately after IL-2 administration. No significant differences were detected in the levels of C3, C9 and C1-inh. A significant, positive correlation (r = 0 center dot 5178, P = 0 center dot 0008) was ascertained between the changes of CRP level, measured immediately before as well as 5 days after IL-2 administration, and changes in CD4 T cell counts measured 2-3 weeks before and after treatment, respectively. IL-2 administration induces rapid elevation of two major APPs (CRP, d-dimer). The positive correlation observed between the changes of CRP levels and CD4+ cell counts after IL-2 administration may indicate that the abrupt, but transitory overproduction of CRP might contribute to the CD4+ cell count-increasing effect of the drug and/ or may be associated with serious side effects.", 
    "doi": "10.1111/j.1365-2249.2010.04145.x", 
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    "journal": {
      "issue": "1", 
      "pages": "134-141", 
      "volume": "161"
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    "publication_date": "2010-01-01", 
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    "resource_type": {
      "subtype": "article", 
      "title": "Dergi makalesi", 
      "type": "publication"
    "title": "Changes in the levels of some acute-phase proteins in human immunodeficiency virus-1 infected patients, following interleukin-2 treatment"
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  "updated": "2021-03-15T12:16:07.726399+00:00"
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Veri hacmi 3.3 kB
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