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Vitis vinifera Turkish grape cultivar Karaerik. Part I: anthocyanin composition, and identification of a newly found anthocyanin(dagger)

Hermosin-Gutierrez, Isidro; Gomez-Alonso, Sergio; Perez-Navarro, Jose; Kurt, Aynur; Colak, Nesrin; Akpinar, Erdal; Hayirlioglu-Ayaz, Sema; Ayaz, Faik Ahmet

Citation Style Language JSON

  "DOI": "10.1002/jsfa.10145", 
  "abstract": "BACKGROUND Grape berries exhibit various beneficial health effects due to the potent antioxidant roles of their phenolic compounds. A new Vitis vinifera grape cultivar (Karaerik) grown in Turkey has attracted growing interest due to its antioxidant phenolic compounds, which have still not been investigated. The phenolic/anthocyanin profile needs to be investigated to ascertain its potential health benefits and market value in the region. The present study therefore involves a detailed characterization of the anthocyanin composition of 'Karaerik' grape berries in conjunction with a determination of the antioxidant capacity value of the phenolics present in the skin and the whole berry. RESULTS Total phenolic compounds (average 8.56 and 2.88 g gallic acid equivalent kg(-1) fresh weight) and anthocyanin (7.48 and 1.66 g mv-3-glc equivalent kg(-1) fresh weight) contents varied significantly in the skin and whole berry. Malvidin-based anthocyanins made the highest contribution to the pigment content of the berry. Accordingly, the major anthocyanin in the skin (average 42.08 mol%) and whole berry (39.98 mol%) was malvidin-3-glucoside (mv-3-glc). In addition, we found strong evidence of the occurrence of sometimes reported malvidin-3-pentoside and particularly of the not previously reported feruloyl derivative of malvidin-3-(6 ''-feruloyl)-glucoside (mv-3-ferglc) for V. vinifera grapes. CONCLUSION The current study is the first report to profile the anthocyanins of the grape with a detailed description of the rare and novel anthocyanin in V. vinifera grapes. The berry is also a potential source of phenolics/anthocyanins with a high antioxidant capacity value and is worthy of comparison with other V. vinifera grapes. (c) 2019 Society of Chemical Industry", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Hermosin-Gutierrez", 
      "given": " Isidro"
      "family": "Gomez-Alonso", 
      "given": " Sergio"
      "family": "Perez-Navarro", 
      "given": " Jose"
      "family": "Kurt", 
      "given": " Aynur"
      "family": "Colak", 
      "given": " Nesrin"
      "family": "Akpinar", 
      "given": " Erdal"
      "family": "Hayirlioglu-Ayaz", 
      "given": " Sema"
      "family": "Ayaz", 
      "given": " Faik Ahmet"
  "id": "10815", 
  "issue": "3", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "page": "1301-1310", 
  "title": "Vitis vinifera Turkish grape cultivar Karaerik. Part I: anthocyanin composition, and identification of a newly found anthocyanin(dagger)", 
  "type": "article-journal", 
  "volume": "100"
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Tekil indirme 5

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