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Report on key comparison CCQM-K138: determination of aflatoxins (AFB(1), AFB(2), AFG(1), AFG(2) and total AFs) in dried fig

Bilsel, Mine; Goren, Ahmet C.; Gokcen, Taner; Gunduz, Simay; Koch, Mathias; Kakoulides, Elias; Giannikopoulou, Panagiota; Wai-tong, Gary Tang; Chan, Andy; Kneeteman, Estela; Mugenya, Isaac; Muriira, Geoffrey; Boonyakong, Cheerapa; Fernandes-Whaley, Maria; Krylov, Anatoliy; Mikheeva, Alena

Citation Style Language JSON

  "DOI": "10.1088/0026-1394/56/1A/08008", 
  "abstract": "Nine NMI/DI participated in the CCQM Organic Analysis WG Track C Key Comparison CCQM-K138 Determination of aflatoxins (AFB(1), AFB(2), AFG(1), AFG(2) and Total AFs) in Dried Fig. Participants were requested to evaluate the mass fractions expressed in ng/g units, of aflatoxins B-1, B-2, G(1), G(2) and total aflatoxin in a dried fig. Aflatoxins are part of the mycotoxin family of contaminants which are a major issue for the food production industry internationally.", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Bilsel", 
      "given": " Mine"
      "family": "Goren", 
      "given": " Ahmet C."
      "family": "Gokcen", 
      "given": " Taner"
      "family": "Gunduz", 
      "given": " Simay"
      "family": "Koch", 
      "given": " Mathias"
      "family": "Kakoulides", 
      "given": " Elias"
      "family": "Giannikopoulou", 
      "given": " Panagiota"
      "family": "Wai-tong", 
      "given": " Gary Tang"
      "family": "Chan", 
      "given": " Andy"
      "family": "Kneeteman", 
      "given": " Estela"
      "family": "Mugenya", 
      "given": " Isaac"
      "family": "Muriira", 
      "given": " Geoffrey"
      "family": "Boonyakong", 
      "given": " Cheerapa"
      "family": "Fernandes-Whaley", 
      "given": " Maria"
      "family": "Krylov", 
      "given": " Anatoliy"
      "family": "Mikheeva", 
      "given": " Alena"
  "container_title": "METROLOGIA", 
  "id": "99989", 
  "issue": "1A", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "title": "Report on key comparison CCQM-K138: determination of aflatoxins (AFB(1), AFB(2), AFG(1), AFG(2) and total AFs) in dried fig", 
  "type": "article-journal", 
  "volume": "56"
Görüntülenme 15
İndirme 7
Veri hacmi 2.6 kB
Tekil görüntülenme 14
Tekil indirme 7

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