Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Cytotoxicity, bactericidal and hemostatic evaluation of oxidized cellulose microparticles: Structure and oxidation degree approach

   Sezer, Umran Aydemir; Sahin, Isa; Aru, Basak; Olmez, Hulya; Demirel, Gulderen Yanikkaya; Sezer, Serdar

Oxidized cellulose is the most used hemostatic materials in clinical applications. In addition to its perfect hemostatic efficiency, it is degradable under in vivo conditions and supremely prevents bacterial growth. On the other hand, one of the drawbacks of the oxidized cellulose is cytotoxicity due to the strongly acidic nature during degradation. There is a number of commercially available oxidized cellulose products which are derived from regenerated and non-regenerated cellulose. On the other hand, the effect of oxidation degree and structure (regenerated or non-regenerated) on product efficiency is undetermined. Moreover, oxidation degree which is primary factor for both bactericidal and hemostatic efficiency is also crucial for assessment of the product. In this study, oxidized cellulose versus oxidized regenerated cellulose microparticles with various oxidation degree was produced and characterized. Comparative studies were conducted in terms of bactericidal and hemostatic efficiencies in addition to cytotoxicity. The results could be a reference for the optimized oxidized cellulose product for the hemostatic applications.

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