Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Synthesis and characterization of new soluble phthalocyanines substituted with four tetrathiamacrocycles through oxy bridges and their complexes with silver(I) and palladium(II) ions

Dabak, S; Gurek, AG; Musluoglu, E; Ahsen, V


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        "name": "Gurek, AG"
        "name": "Musluoglu, E"
        "name": "Ahsen, V"
    "description": "The synthesis of a metal-free phthalocyanine (3) and metal phthalocyanines [4-7; M = Ni(II), Co(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II)] with four tetrathiamacrocycles obtained from 4-({3,6,10,13-tetrathiacyclotetradecyl}oxy)phthalonitrile (2) in the presence of dimethylaminoethanol or the corresponding anhydrous metal salts is described. The new soluble compounds have been characterized by elemental analysis, IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR, MS and UV-Visible spectra. The thermal stabilities have been determined by thermogravimetric analyses. Complexation of the tetrathiamacrocycles of 4 with silver(I) or palladium(II) yields forms pentanuclear compounds.", 
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    "title": "Synthesis and characterization of new soluble phthalocyanines substituted with four tetrathiamacrocycles through oxy bridges and their complexes with silver(I) and palladium(II) ions"
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  "updated": "2021-03-16T13:27:56.917307+00:00"
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