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Combined venom profiling and cytotoxicity screening of the Radde's mountain viper (Montivipera raddei) and Mount Bulgar Viper (Montivipera bulgardaghica) with potent cytotoxicity against human A549 lung carcinoma cells

Nalbantsoy, Ayse; Hempel, Benjamin-Florian; Petras, Daniel; Heiss, Paul; Gocmen, Bayram; Igci, Nasit; Yildiz, Mehmet Zulfu; Sussmuth, Roderich D.


  author       = {Nalbantsoy, Ayse and
                  Hempel, Benjamin-Florian and
                  Petras, Daniel and
                  Heiss, Paul and
                  Gocmen, Bayram and
                  Igci, Nasit and
                  Yildiz, Mehmet Zulfu and
                  Sussmuth, Roderich D.},
  title        = {{Combined venom profiling and cytotoxicity 
                   screening of the Radde's mountain viper
                   (Montivipera raddei) and Mount Bulgar Viper
                   (Montivipera bulgardaghica) with potent
                   cytotoxicity against human A549 lung carcinoma
  journal      = {TOXICON},
  year         = 2017,
  volume       = 135,
  pages        = {71-83},
  month        = jan,
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