Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

A Long Wavelength Excitable Fluorophore; Chloro Phenyl Imino Propenyl Aniline (CPIPA) for Selective Sensing of Hg (II)

Ertekin, Kadriye; Oter, Ozlem; Ture, Mustafa; Denizalti, Serpil; Cetinkaya, Engin

DataCite XML

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      <creatorName>Ertekin, Kadriye</creatorName>
      <affiliation>Dokuz Eylul Univ, Fac Arts &amp; Sci, Dept Chem, TR-35160 Izmir, Turkey</affiliation>
      <creatorName>Oter, Ozlem</creatorName>
      <affiliation>Dokuz Eylul Univ, Fac Arts &amp; Sci, Dept Chem, TR-35160 Izmir, Turkey</affiliation>
      <creatorName>Ture, Mustafa</creatorName>
      <affiliation>Dokuz Eylul Univ, Fac Arts &amp; Sci, Dept Chem, TR-35160 Izmir, Turkey</affiliation>
      <creatorName>Denizalti, Serpil</creatorName>
      <affiliation>Univ Ege, Dept Chem, Fac Sci, TR-35100 Izmir, Turkey</affiliation>
      <creatorName>Cetinkaya, Engin</creatorName>
      <affiliation>Univ Ege, Dept Chem, Fac Sci, TR-35100 Izmir, Turkey</affiliation>
    <title>A Long Wavelength Excitable Fluorophore; Chloro Phenyl Imino Propenyl Aniline (Cpipa) For Selective Sensing Of Hg (Ii)</title>
    <date dateType="Issued">2010-01-01</date>
  <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Journal article</resourceType>
    <alternateIdentifier alternateIdentifierType="url"></alternateIdentifier>
    <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsIdenticalTo">10.1007/s10895-009-0577-5</relatedIdentifier>
    <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution</rights>
    <rights rightsURI="info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess">Open Access</rights>
    <description descriptionType="Abstract">In this study, a very sensitive and highly selective irreversible optical chemical sensor (optode) for mercury ions was described. The sensing scheme was based on the interaction of Hg (II) with a newly synthesized fluoroionophore; chloro phenyl imino propenyl aniline (CPIPA) in plasticized PVC membrane. The sensor membranes were tested for the determination of mercury ion in aqueous solutions by batch and flow-through methods. The optodes allow determination of Hg (II) in the working range of 1.0 x 10(-9)-1.0 x 10(-5) M with a detection limit of 4.3 ppb. The sensor exhibited excellent selectivity for Hg (II) with respect to several common alkali, alkaline earth and transition metal ions. The association constant of the 1:1 complex formation for Hg (II) was found to be K(a) = 1.86 x 10(5) M(-1). The CPIPA exhibited high fluorescence quantum yield, long excitation and emission wavelength and high Stokes' shift values in the solid matrix which makes it compatible with solid state optics.</description>
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