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Shields Diagram and the Incipient Motion of Microplastic Particles

Goral, Koray Deniz; Guler, Hasan Gokhan; Larsen, Bjarke Eltard; Carstensen, Stefan; Christensen, Erik Damgaard; Kerpen, Nils B. B.; Schlurmann, Torsten; Fuhrman, David R. R.

Citation Style Language JSON

  "DOI": "10.1021/acs.est.3c02027", 
  "abstract": "<p>This researchnewly shows that, when suitably generalized,the Shields diagram (as commonly used for sediments) can predict incipientmotion thresholds for both native sediments and foreign (microplastic)particles alike.</p>\n<p>Incipient motion conditions for 57 regular (spheres,cylinders,disks, square plates, cubes, square prisms, rectangular prisms, tetrahedrons,and fibers) and eight irregular microplastic particle groups, havingvarious sizes and densities, are investigated in a circular flume.The present data set is combined with additional data from the literatureand systematically analyzed. A new framework is developed for predictingincipient motion conditions for foreign particles, accounting forvariations in static friction, hydraulic roughness, and hiding-exposureeffects. Via this framework, incipient motion conditions for microplasticparticles lying on a sediment bed are, for the first time, reconciledwith the classical Shields diagram.</p>", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Goral", 
      "given": " Koray Deniz"
      "family": "Guler", 
      "given": " Hasan Gokhan"
      "family": "Larsen", 
      "given": " Bjarke Eltard"
      "family": "Carstensen", 
      "given": " Stefan"
      "family": "Christensen", 
      "given": " Erik Damgaard"
      "family": "Kerpen", 
      "given": " Nils B. B."
      "family": "Schlurmann", 
      "given": " Torsten"
      "family": "Fuhrman", 
      "given": " David R. R."
  "id": "272332", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "page": "14", 
  "title": "Shields Diagram and the Incipient Motion of Microplastic Particles", 
  "type": "article-journal"
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