Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Estimation of Viscosity of Alloys Using Gibbs Free Energy of Mixing and Geometric Model

Hüseyin ARSLAN


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  "created": "2024-02-20T16:31:25.045645+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.1134/S003602442103002X", 
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    "creators": [
        "affiliation": "Kahramanmara\u015f S\u00fct\u00e7\u00fc \u0130mam \u00dcniversitesi", 
        "name": "H\u00fcseyin ARSLAN", 
        "orcid": "0000-0003-1509-7725"
    "description": "<p>Abstract&mdash;In the present work, using mixing Gibbs free energies and Chou&rsquo;s general solution model (GSM),<br>\nby considering the excess activation energies from the binary subsystems, the viscosities of the simple ternary<br>\nAu&ndash;Ag&ndash;Cu, Al&ndash;Cu&ndash;Si, and Fe&ndash;Ni&ndash;Co and liquid alloys of binary subsystems have been evaluated via well<br>\nknown Chou model and physical models, such as Kaptay, Kozlov&ndash;Romanov&ndash;Petrov (KRP), and Schick<br>\net al. at temperatures 1373, 1375, and 1873 K. A comparison between the evaluated results and experimental<br>\nvalues of the Au&ndash;Ag&ndash;Cu, Al&ndash;Cu&ndash;Si, and Fe&ndash;Ni&ndash;Co ternary alloys was carried out. In this study, the success<br>\nof the application of the aforementioned geometric and physical models to the viscosity calculations of<br>\nthe alloys discussed and the viscosite data are presented to the literature. In order to determine the applicability<br>\nsuccess, the mean square deviation analysis was performed. According to the values in this table, Schick<br>\net al. and KRP models which are derived from the physical quantities among the models discussed provide<br>\nbest description of the viscosity for the Al&ndash;Cu&ndash;Si and Au&ndash;Ag&ndash;Cu alloys, respectivel</p>", 
    "doi": "10.1134/S003602442103002X", 
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    "keywords": [
      "activation energy of viscous flow, mixing Gibbs free energy, geometric models, Chou' s model, multi component alloys"
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    "publication_date": "2019-08-27", 
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    "science_branches": [
      "Temel Bilimler > Fizik > Yo\u011fun Madde 1:Yap\u0131sal, Mekanik ve Termal \u00d6zellikler"
    "title": "Estimation of Viscosity of Alloys Using Gibbs Free Energy of Mixing and Geometric Model"
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  "updated": "2024-02-20T16:31:25.106305+00:00"
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Veri hacmi 26.0 MB
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