Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Preliminary Report of the Academic CAR-T (ISIKOK-19) Cell Clinical Trial in Turkey: Characterization of Product and Outcomes of Clinical Application

Erdogan, Ebru; Yalcin, Koray; Hemsinlioglu, Cansu; Sezgin, Aslihan; Seyis, Utku; Kancagi, Derya Dilek; Tastan, Cihan; Yurtsever, Bulut; Turan, Raife Dilek; Cakirsoy, Didem; Abanuz, Selen; Karakus, Gozde Sir; Elek, Muhammer; Bekoz, Huseyin Saffet; Gemici, Ali Ihsan; Sargin, Deniz; Arat, Mutlu; Ferhanoglu, Burhan; Pekguc, Ebru; Ornek, Serdar; Ornek, Serdar


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  "created": "2023-07-29T10:20:24.973842+00:00", 
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    "creators": [
        "affiliation": "Acibadem Altunizade Hosp, Hematol Unit, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Erdogan, Ebru"
        "name": "Yalcin, Koray"
        "affiliation": "Acibadem Labcell Cellular Therapy Ctr, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Hemsinlioglu, Cansu"
        "affiliation": "Acibadem Altunizade Hosp, Hematol Unit, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Sezgin, Aslihan"
        "affiliation": "Acibadem Labcell Cellular Therapy Ctr, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Seyis, Utku"
        "affiliation": "Acibadem Labcell Cellular Therapy Ctr, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Kancagi, Derya Dilek"
        "name": "Tastan, Cihan"
        "affiliation": "Acibadem Labcell Cellular Therapy Ctr, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Yurtsever, Bulut"
        "affiliation": "Acibadem Labcell Cellular Therapy Ctr, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Turan, Raife Dilek"
        "affiliation": "Acibadem Labcell Cellular Therapy Ctr, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Cakirsoy, Didem"
        "affiliation": "Acibadem Labcell Cellular Therapy Ctr, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Abanuz, Selen"
        "affiliation": "Acibadem Labcell Cellular Therapy Ctr, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Karakus, Gozde Sir"
        "affiliation": "Acibadem Labcell Cellular Therapy Ctr, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Elek, Muhammer"
        "affiliation": "Medipol Univ, Hematol Unit, Fac Med, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Bekoz, Huseyin Saffet"
        "affiliation": "Medipol Univ, Hematol Unit, Fac Med, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Gemici, Ali Ihsan"
        "name": "Sargin, Deniz"
        "affiliation": "Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hosp, Hematol Unit, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Arat, Mutlu"
        "affiliation": "VKV Amer Hosp, Hematol Unit, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Ferhanoglu, Burhan"
        "affiliation": "VKV Amer Hosp, Hematol Unit, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Pekguc, Ebru"
        "affiliation": "VKV Amer Hosp, Hematol Unit, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Ornek, Serdar"
        "affiliation": "VKV Amer Hosp, Hematol Unit, Istanbul, Turkey", 
        "name": "Ornek, Serdar"
    "description": "Objective: Chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapies have already made an impact on the treatment of B-cell malignancies. Although CAR-T cell therapies are promising, there are concerns about commercial products regarding their affordability and sustainability. In this preliminary study, the results of the first production and clinical data of an academic CAR-T cell (ISIKOK-19) trial in Turkey are presented.", 
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    "publication_date": "2022-01-01", 
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    "title": "Preliminary Report of the Academic CAR-T (ISIKOK-19) Cell Clinical Trial in Turkey: Characterization of Product and Outcomes of Clinical Application"
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  "updated": "2023-07-29T10:20:25.030111+00:00"
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Tekil indirme 16

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