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Continuous presence of proto-cereals in Anatolia since 2.3 Ma, and their possible co-evolution with large herbivores and hominins

Andrieu-Ponel, Valerie; Rochette, Pierre; Demory, Francois; Alcicek, Hulya; Boulbes, Nicolas; Bourles, Didier; Helvaci, Cahit; Lebatard, Anne-Elisabeth; Mayda, Serdar; Michaud, Henri; Moigne, Anne-Marie; Nomade, Sebastien; Perrin, Mireille; Ponel, Philippe; Rambeau, Claire; Vialet, Amelie; Gambin, Belinda; Alcicek, Mehmet Cihat


  author       = {Andrieu-Ponel, Valerie and
                  Rochette, Pierre and
                  Demory, Francois and
                  Alcicek, Hulya and
                  Boulbes, Nicolas and
                  Bourles, Didier and
                  Helvaci, Cahit and
                  Lebatard, Anne-Elisabeth and
                  Mayda, Serdar and
                  Michaud, Henri and
                  Moigne, Anne-Marie and
                  Nomade, Sebastien and
                  Perrin, Mireille and
                  Ponel, Philippe and
                  Rambeau, Claire and
                  Vialet, Amelie and
                  Gambin, Belinda and
                  Alcicek, Mehmet Cihat},
  title        = {{Continuous presence of proto-cereals in Anatolia 
                   since 2.3 Ma, and their possible co-evolution with
                   large herbivores and hominins}},
  journal      = {SCIENTIFIC REPORTS},
  year         = 2021,
  volume       = 11,
  number       = 1,
  month        = jan,
Görüntülenme 6
İndirme 2
Veri hacmi 794 Bytes
Tekil görüntülenme 6
Tekil indirme 2

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