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Astrometric results of observations of mutual occultations and eclipses of the Uranian satellites in 2007

Arlot, J. -E.; Emelyanov, N. V.; Aslan, Z.; Assafin, M.; Bel, J.; Bhatt, B. C.; Braga-Ribas, F.; Camargo, J. I. B.; Casas, R.; Colas, F.; Coliac, J. F.; Dumas, C.; Ellington, C. K.; Forne, E.; Frappa, E.; Khamitov, I.; Miller, C.; Modic, R. J.; Sahu, Dk.; Sicardy, B.; Sicardy, B.


  author       = {Arlot, J. -E. and
                  Emelyanov, N. V. and
                  Aslan, Z. and
                  Assafin, M. and
                  Bel, J. and
                  Bhatt, B. C. and
                  Braga-Ribas, F. and
                  Camargo, J. I. B. and
                  Casas, R. and
                  Colas, F. and
                  Coliac, J. F. and
                  Dumas, C. and
                  Ellington, C. K. and
                  Forne, E. and
                  Frappa, E. and
                  Khamitov, I. and
                  Miller, C. and
                  Modic, R. J. and
                  Sahu, Dk. and
                  Sicardy, B. and
                  Sicardy, B.},
  title        = {{Astrometric results of observations of mutual 
                   occultations and eclipses of the Uranian
                   satellites in 2007}},
  journal      = {ASTRONOMY \& ASTROPHYSICS},
  year         = 2013,
  volume       = 557,
  month        = jan,
Görüntülenme 20
İndirme 5
Veri hacmi 2.0 kB
Tekil görüntülenme 17
Tekil indirme 5

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