Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Astrometric results of observations of mutual occultations and eclipses of the Uranian satellites in 2007

   Arlot, J. -E.; Emelyanov, N. V.; Aslan, Z.; Assafin, M.; Bel, J.; Bhatt, B. C.; Braga-Ribas, F.; Camargo, J. I. B.; Casas, R.; Colas, F.; Coliac, J. F.; Dumas, C.; Ellington, C. K.; Forne, E.; Frappa, E.; Khamitov, I.; Miller, C.; Modic, R. J.; Sahu, Dk.; Sicardy, B.; Sicardy, B.

Context. The photometry of mutual occultations and eclipses of natural planetary satellites can be used to infer very accurate astrometric data. This can be achieved by processing the light curves of the satellites observed during international campaigns of photometric observations of these mutual events.

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