Konferans bildirisi Açık Erişim

Real-time 5G Technology Development Platform

Gemici, O. F.; Kara, F.; Hokelek, I.; Salim, I. H.; Asmer, H.; Koksal, M. I.; Telli, A.; Yazar, A.; Arslan, H.

JSON-LD (schema.org)

  "@context": "https://schema.org/", 
  "@id": 98085, 
  "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", 
  "creator": [
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "TUBITAK BILGEM, PK 74, TR-41470 Gebze, Turkey", 
      "name": "Gemici, O. F."
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "TUBITAK BILGEM, PK 74, TR-41470 Gebze, Turkey", 
      "name": "Kara, F."
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "TUBITAK BILGEM, PK 74, TR-41470 Gebze, Turkey", 
      "name": "Hokelek, I."
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "TUBITAK BILGEM, PK 74, TR-41470 Gebze, Turkey", 
      "name": "Salim, I. H."
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "TUBITAK BILGEM, PK 74, TR-41470 Gebze, Turkey", 
      "name": "Asmer, H."
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "HAVELSAN AS, Eskisehir Yolu 7 Km, Ankara, Turkey", 
      "name": "Koksal, M. I."
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "HAVELSAN AS, Eskisehir Yolu 7 Km, Ankara, Turkey", 
      "name": "Telli, A."
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "Istanbul Medipol Univ, Elekt Elekt Muh, Istanbul, Turkey", 
      "name": "Yazar, A."
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "Istanbul Medipol Univ, Elekt Elekt Muh, Istanbul, Turkey", 
      "name": "Arslan, H."
  "datePublished": "2017-01-01", 
  "description": "Advancing the readiness level of 5G technologies requires hardware development activities, where the infrastructure has outmost importance. In this paper, we present multicore ARM-DSP based 5G technology development platform which will expedite commercializing the findings of the 5G researches. In the proposed platform, multicore DSP processors with enourmous signal processing capabilities are used to realize the real-time implementation of 5G physical layer algorithms while multicore ARM processors running real-time operating system are used to implement the real-time implementation of 5G higher layer protocols. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed platform, the proof of concept implementation of both transmitter and receiver algorithms within multicore DSP processors are performed for 20 MHz bandwidth and the real-time video transmission over the air using the USRP radios are successfully demonstrated. This platform will be made available to researchers to support 5G R&D activities.", 
  "headline": "Real-time 5G Technology Development Platform", 
  "identifier": 98085, 
  "image": "https://aperta.ulakbim.gov.tr/static/img/logo/aperta_logo_with_icon.svg", 
  "license": "http://www.opendefinition.org/licenses/cc-by", 
  "name": "Real-time 5G Technology Development Platform", 
  "url": "https://aperta.ulakbim.gov.tr/record/98085"
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