Konferans bildirisi Açık Erişim
Toyran, Mustafa
{ "conceptdoi": "10.81043/aperta.96666", "conceptrecid": "96666", "created": "2021-03-16T13:32:39.327849+00:00", "doi": "10.81043/aperta.96667", "files": [ { "bucket": "53423995-ce87-49e5-a0b3-b5ccc4010d49", "checksum": "md5:a07978120a311ad60bf0ee250b37eb34", "key": "bib-3cee87ef-15a6-45a6-831e-f66bb2f7210e.txt", "links": { "self": "https://aperta.ulakbim.gov.tr/api/files/53423995-ce87-49e5-a0b3-b5ccc4010d49/bib-3cee87ef-15a6-45a6-831e-f66bb2f7210e.txt" }, "size": 161, "type": "txt" } ], "id": 96667, "links": { "badge": "https://aperta.ulakbim.gov.tr/badge/doi/10.81043/aperta.96667.svg", "bucket": "https://aperta.ulakbim.gov.tr/api/files/53423995-ce87-49e5-a0b3-b5ccc4010d49", "conceptbadge": "https://aperta.ulakbim.gov.tr/badge/doi/10.81043/aperta.96666.svg", "conceptdoi": "https://doi.org/10.81043/aperta.96666", "doi": "https://doi.org/10.81043/aperta.96667", "html": "https://aperta.ulakbim.gov.tr/record/96667", "latest": "https://aperta.ulakbim.gov.tr/api/records/96667", "latest_html": "https://aperta.ulakbim.gov.tr/record/96667" }, "metadata": { "access_right": "open", "access_right_category": "success", "communities": [ { "id": "tubitak-adresli-yayinlar" } ], "creators": [ { "name": "Toyran, Mustafa" } ], "description": "This paper is about efficient use of random numbers. We give examples for the inefficient and efficient uses of random numbers for the case which a random number r is generated according to the rule r < n, where r and n are k-bit integers and n is a fixed integer.", "doi": "10.81043/aperta.96667", "has_grant": false, "license": { "id": "cc-by" }, "meeting": { "title": "2007 IEEE 15TH SIGNAL PROCESSING AND COMMUNICATIONS APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-3" }, "publication_date": "2007-01-01", "related_identifiers": [ { "identifier": "10.81043/aperta.96666", "relation": "isVersionOf", "scheme": "doi" } ], "relations": { "version": [ { "count": 1, "index": 0, "is_last": true, "last_child": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "96667" }, "parent": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "96666" } } ] }, "resource_type": { "subtype": "conferencepaper", "title": "Konferans bildirisi", "type": "publication" }, "title": "Rasgele saydarin verimli kullanimi efficient use of random numbers" }, "owners": [ 1 ], "revision": 1, "stats": { "downloads": 4.0, "unique_downloads": 4.0, "unique_views": 34.0, "version_downloads": 4.0, "version_unique_downloads": 4.0, "version_unique_views": 34.0, "version_views": 35.0, "version_volume": 644.0, "views": 35.0, "volume": 644.0 }, "updated": "2021-03-16T13:32:39.373586+00:00" }
Görüntülenme | 35 |
İndirme | 4 |
Veri hacmi | 644 Bytes |
Tekil görüntülenme | 34 |
Tekil indirme | 4 |