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Song, H. C.; Hodgkiss, W. S.; Kuperman, W. A.; Akal, T.; Stevenson, M.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <resource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <identifier identifierType="URL"></identifier> <creators> <creator> <creatorName>Song, H. C.</creatorName> <givenName>H. C.</givenName> <familyName>Song</familyName> <affiliation>Univ Calif San Diego, Scripps Inst Oceanog, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA</affiliation> </creator> <creator> <creatorName>Hodgkiss, W. S.</creatorName> <givenName>W. S.</givenName> <familyName>Hodgkiss</familyName> <affiliation>Univ Calif San Diego, Scripps Inst Oceanog, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA</affiliation> </creator> <creator> <creatorName>Kuperman, W. A.</creatorName> <givenName>W. A.</givenName> <familyName>Kuperman</familyName> <affiliation>Univ Calif San Diego, Scripps Inst Oceanog, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA</affiliation> </creator> <creator> <creatorName>Akal, T.</creatorName> <givenName>T.</givenName> <familyName>Akal</familyName> <affiliation>TUBITAK MAN, Marmara Res Ctr, Earth & Marine Sci Res Inst, TR-41470 Kocaeli, Turkey</affiliation> </creator> <creator> <creatorName>Stevenson, M.</creatorName> <givenName>M.</givenName> <familyName>Stevenson</familyName> <affiliation>Spawar Syst Ctr, San Diego, CA 92152 USA</affiliation> </creator> </creators> <titles> <title>High-Frequency Acoustic Communications Achieving High Bandwidth Efficiency</title> </titles> <publisher>Aperta</publisher> <publicationYear>2009</publicationYear> <dates> <date dateType="Issued">2009-01-01</date> </dates> <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Journal article</resourceType> <alternateIdentifiers> <alternateIdentifier alternateIdentifierType="url"></alternateIdentifier> </alternateIdentifiers> <relatedIdentifiers> <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsIdenticalTo">10.1121/1.3160284</relatedIdentifier> </relatedIdentifiers> <rightsList> <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution</rights> <rights rightsURI="info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess">Open Access</rights> </rightsList> <descriptions> <description descriptionType="Abstract">A recent communications experiment was conducted in a shallow water environment at high-frequency permitting the use of a large bandwidth (11-19 kHz). This paper investigates the communication performance versus various symbol rates (or bandwidths) in terms of output signal-to-noise ratio with, an assortment of constellations, illustrating a trade-off between performance and data rate. A high bandwidth efficiency of 4 bits/s Hz is demonstrated using 32 quadrature amplitude modulation with a data rate of 31.25 kbits/s over a 2.2-km range. (C) 2009 Acoustical Society of America. [DOI: 10.1121/1.3160284]</description> </descriptions> </resource>
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