Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Determination of human interferon-gamma in the transgenic mice milk by modified Kynurenine bioassay test

Bagis, Haydar; Aktoprakligil, Digdem; Gunes, Cagatay G.; Akkoc, Tolga; Cetinkaya, Gaye; Kankavi, Orhan; Taskin, Ali Cihan; Arat, Sezen; Arslan, Korhan; Dundar, Munis; Tsoncheva, Vania L.; Ivanov, Ivan G.


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        "name": "Gunes, Cagatay G."
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        "affiliation": "Bulgarian Acad Sci, Inst Mol Biol, BU-1113 Sofia, Bulgaria", 
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