Konferans bildirisi Açık Erişim

Enhanced Cluster Seeking Algorithm for Tracking Flocks of Birds

Lana, Adnan; Kaplan, Gulay Buyukaksoy

Dublin Core

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  <dc:creator>Lana, Adnan</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Kaplan, Gulay Buyukaksoy</dc:creator>
  <dc:description>An enhanced cluster seeking algorithm is proposed for tracking flocks of birds in this paper. For group of targets such as flock of birds, there is no need to track an individual target. Instead a cluster can be used to represent closely spaced tracks in a group. An intuitive approach has been explained and applied to real radar observations.</dc:description>
  <dc:title>Enhanced Cluster Seeking Algorithm for Tracking Flocks of Birds</dc:title>
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İndirme 9
Veri hacmi 1.4 kB
Tekil görüntülenme 21
Tekil indirme 9

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