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Genome-wide linkage meta-analysis identifies susceptibility loci at 2q34 and 13q31.3 for genetic generalized epilepsies

Leu, Costin; de Kovel, Carolien G. F.; Zara, Federico; Striano, Pasquale; Pezzella, Marianna; Robbiano, Angela; Bianchi, Amedeo; Bisulli, Francesca; Coppola, Antonietta; Giallonardo, Anna Teresa; Beccaria, Francesca; Trenite, Dorothee Kasteleijn-Nolst; Lindhout, Dick; Gaus, Verena; Schmitz, Bettina; Janz, Dieter; Weber, Yvonne G.; Becker, Felicitas; Lerche, Holger; Kleefuss-Lie, Ailing A.; Kleefuss-Lie, Ailing A.

Citation Style Language JSON

  "DOI": "10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03379.x", 
  "abstract": "Purpose: Genetic generalized epilepsies (GGEs) have a lifetime prevalence of 0.3% with heritability estimates of 80%. A considerable proportion of families with siblings affected by GGEs presumably display an oligogenic inheritance. The present genome-wide linkage meta-analysis aimed to map: (1) susceptibility loci shared by a broad spectrum of GGEs, and (2) seizure typerelated genetic factors preferentially predisposing to either typical absence or myoclonic seizures, respectively.", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Leu", 
      "given": " Costin"
      "family": "de Kovel", 
      "given": " Carolien G. F."
      "family": "Zara", 
      "given": " Federico"
      "family": "Striano", 
      "given": " Pasquale"
      "family": "Pezzella", 
      "given": " Marianna"
      "family": "Robbiano", 
      "given": " Angela"
      "family": "Bianchi", 
      "given": " Amedeo"
      "family": "Bisulli", 
      "given": " Francesca"
      "family": "Coppola", 
      "given": " Antonietta"
      "family": "Giallonardo", 
      "given": " Anna Teresa"
      "family": "Beccaria", 
      "given": " Francesca"
      "family": "Trenite", 
      "given": " Dorothee Kasteleijn-Nolst"
      "family": "Lindhout", 
      "given": " Dick"
      "family": "Gaus", 
      "given": " Verena"
      "family": "Schmitz", 
      "given": " Bettina"
      "family": "Janz", 
      "given": " Dieter"
      "family": "Weber", 
      "given": " Yvonne G."
      "family": "Becker", 
      "given": " Felicitas"
      "family": "Lerche", 
      "given": " Holger"
      "family": "Kleefuss-Lie", 
      "given": " Ailing A."
      "family": "Kleefuss-Lie", 
      "given": " Ailing A."
  "container_title": "EPILEPSIA", 
  "id": "85945", 
  "issue": "2", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "page": "308-318", 
  "title": "Genome-wide linkage meta-analysis identifies susceptibility loci at 2q34 and 13q31.3 for genetic generalized epilepsies", 
  "type": "article-journal", 
  "volume": "53"
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