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Minor allele of the APOA4 gene T347S polymorphism predisposes to obesity in postmenopausal Turkish women

Guclu-Geyik, Filiz; Onat, Altan; Coban, Neslihan; Komurcu-Bayrak, Evrim; Sansoy, Vedat; Can, Gunay; Erginel-Unaltuna, Nihan

Citation Style Language JSON

  "DOI": "10.1007/s11033-012-1990-4", 
  "abstract": "The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between APOA4 gene T347S polymorphism with obesity measures and serum lipids in Turkish adults. Randomly selected sample of 1,554 adults (754 men, mean age 50.4 +/- A 11.9 years and 800 women, mean age 49.6 +/- A 11.8 years) were included in the study. 346 Women (43.2 %) were postmenopausal. Genotyping was performed by using hybridization probes in real-time PCR. Not men but postmenopausal women, carrying the S347 allele, were associated with 1.5 kg/m(2) higher BMI (P = 0.016) and 3.6 cm wider waist circumference (P = 0.005) than postmenopausal T347 homozygotes, controlled for covariates. Logistic regression analyses of this polymorphism, adjusted for age, fasting triglyceride, smoking status, alcohol consumption and physical activity disclosed the rare allele to be associated with obesity in postmenopausal women at an odds of 1.80 (95 % CI 1.09-2.97; P = 0.021). Serum apoB level was lower in S347 allele carriers (110.9 +/- A 2.9 mg/dL) than in T347 homozygotes (119.0 +/- A 2.4 mg/dL; P = 0.035) in men but not women. APOA4 T347S polymorphism was unrelated to lipids and other lipoproteins in either gender. The APOA4 S347 allele predisposes to obesity and high waist circumference in Turkish postmenopausal women. ApoB levels are lower only in men in S347 allele carriers.", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Guclu-Geyik", 
      "given": " Filiz"
      "family": "Onat", 
      "given": " Altan"
      "family": "Coban", 
      "given": " Neslihan"
      "family": "Komurcu-Bayrak", 
      "given": " Evrim"
      "family": "Sansoy", 
      "given": " Vedat"
      "family": "Can", 
      "given": " Gunay"
      "family": "Erginel-Unaltuna", 
      "given": " Nihan"
  "container_title": "MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS", 
  "id": "83527", 
  "issue": "12", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "page": "10907-10914", 
  "title": "Minor allele of the APOA4 gene T347S polymorphism predisposes to obesity in postmenopausal Turkish women", 
  "type": "article-journal", 
  "volume": "39"
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