Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Investigation of gamma-unstable odd-even nuclei in the Collective model framework with the Morse potential

Inci, I.


  "@context": "", 
  "@id": 71959, 
  "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", 
  "creator": [
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "Karatekin Univ, Dept Phys, Fac Sci, TR-18100 Cankiri, Turkey", 
      "name": "Inci, I."
  "datePublished": "2019-01-01", 
  "description": "An odd-mass nucleus has been thought as coupling of a single nucleon in the j = 3/2 single-particle orbit with the gamma-unstable even-core. To get the properties of such a system, the Collective model Hamiltonian with the Morse potential has been used. Two cases, in which the interaction strength between the nucleon and the core are fixed or deformation dependent, are examined. The excitation energy spectrum and the electric quadrupole transition ratios have been obtained. Then the results have been used to predict the experimental data of the some selected odd-mass nuclei. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.", 
  "headline": "Investigation of gamma-unstable odd-even nuclei in the Collective model framework with the Morse potential", 
  "identifier": 71959, 
  "image": "", 
  "license": "", 
  "name": "Investigation of gamma-unstable odd-even nuclei in the Collective model framework with the Morse potential", 
  "url": ""
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