Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Investigation of Infrared and Raman Spectra of TeO2-Nb2O5-TiO2 Glasses

Kabalci, I.; Gokce, H.

DataCite XML

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  <identifier identifierType="URL"></identifier>
      <creatorName>Kabalci, I.</creatorName>
      <affiliation>Harran Univ, Fac Educ, Dept Phys, Sanliurfa, Turkey</affiliation>
      <creatorName>Gokce, H.</creatorName>
      <affiliation>Istanbul Tech Univ, Dept Met &amp; Mat Engn, TR-34469 Istanbul, Turkey</affiliation>
    <title>Investigation Of Infrared And Raman Spectra Of Teo2-Nb2O5-Tio2 Glasses</title>
    <date dateType="Issued">2014-01-01</date>
  <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Journal article</resourceType>
    <alternateIdentifier alternateIdentifierType="url"></alternateIdentifier>
    <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsVersionOf">10.81043/aperta.63344</relatedIdentifier>
    <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsIdenticalTo">10.81043/aperta.63345</relatedIdentifier>
    <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution</rights>
    <rights rightsURI="info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess">Open Access</rights>
    <description descriptionType="Abstract">X-ray diffraction, infrared (IR), Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope techniques have been used to investigate the microstructural properties of the glass materials. In this work, a new type of tellurite based optical glasses with TeO2/Nb2O5/TiO2 for different xNb(2)O(5) (x = 5, 10, 15, and 20 mol.%) glass compositions at constant 5 mol.% TiO2 ratio were prepared. The effect of Nb2O5 contents on the structural unit of (95 - x)TeO2-(x)Nb2O5-5TiO(2) glass network, and the intensity ratios of the Raman peaks were investigated. The results indicate that for different Nb2O5 content 5 to 20 mol.% in the glass system, three vibrational peaks around 650, 800, and 920 cm(-1) which correspond to the structural bonding of the glass were observed in the range of 500-2000 cm(-1) for the IR spectra. Furthermore, from the Raman results a structural evolution was determined with the number of structural units such as [NbO6](7-), TeO3+1 (polyhedra), TeO4 (trigonal bipyramids), TeO3 (trigonal pyramids) or TeO3+1 (polyhedra), and [NbO4](3-) for this ternary glass system.</description>
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