Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Data on pharmacological applications and hypothermia protection against in vitro oxygen-glucose-deprivation-related neurodegeneration of adult rat CA1 region

   Oz, Pinar; Saybasili, Hale

In this data article, the level of chemical neuroprotection against oxygen-glucose-deprivation (OGD)-related neurodegeneration in CAl was analyzed using the measurements on CAl stratum pyramidale (CA1 sp) width. Adult rat hippocampal slices were incubated in OGD medium for 60 min to create a model for severe ischemic conditions. Alternatively, control slices were incubated in artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) for 60 min. A study of OGD induced neurodegeneration and partial prevention by pharmacological agents reported; baclofen, memantine and 1.-carnitine effects were included. Also, the use of hypothermia was reported (P. Oz, H. Saybasili, 2016) [1].

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223 Bytes İndir
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Tekil görüntülenme 38
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