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The 2 nu beta(-)beta(-) decay rates within Pyatov's restoration method

Unlu, Serdar; Cakmak, Necla; Selam, Cevad


  "@context": "", 
  "@id": 44679, 
  "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", 
  "creator": [
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "Mehmet Akif Ersoy Univ, Dept Phys, Burdun, Turkey", 
      "name": "Unlu, Serdar"
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "Karabuk Univ, Dept Phys, Karabuk, Turkey", 
      "name": "Cakmak, Necla"
      "@type": "Person", 
      "affiliation": "Mus Alparslan Univ, Dept Phys, Mus, Turkey", 
      "name": "Selam, Cevad"
  "datePublished": "2017-01-01", 
  "description": "We try to give a detailed analysis of the 2 nu beta(-)beta(-) decay rates to the final ground states for decay emitters: (70)ZN, Se-80, Kr-86, (94)zr, Ru-104, (110)pd, Cd-114 and Sn-124. The nucleon nucleon residual interaction potential is defined according to Pyatov's restoration method. The nuclear matrix element for 2 nu beta(-)beta(-) decay is obtained by including the virtual contributions coming from the isobar analogue excitations within the framework of proton neutron quasi-particle random phase approximation (pnQRPA). The calculated decay rates are compared with mean field, schematic model and other calculations.", 
  "headline": "The 2 nu beta(-)beta(-) decay rates within Pyatov's restoration method", 
  "identifier": 44679, 
  "image": "", 
  "license": "", 
  "name": "The 2 nu beta(-)beta(-) decay rates within Pyatov's restoration method", 
  "url": ""
Görüntülenme 7
İndirme 4
Veri hacmi 604 Bytes
Tekil görüntülenme 7
Tekil indirme 4

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