Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Late Pleistocene-Holocene evolution of the northern shelf of the Sea of Marmara

Cagatay, M. N.; Eris, K.; Ryan, W. B. F.; Sancar, Ue; Polonia, A.; Akcer, S.; Biltekin, D.; Gasperini, L.; Gorur, N.; Lericolais, G.; Bard, E.


  author       = {Cagatay, M. N. and
                  Eris, K. and
                  Ryan, W. B. F. and
                  Sancar, Ue and
                  Polonia, A. and
                  Akcer, S. and
                  Biltekin, D. and
                  Gasperini, L. and
                  Gorur, N. and
                  Lericolais, G. and
                  Bard, E.},
  title        = {{Late Pleistocene-Holocene evolution of the 
                   northern shelf of the Sea of Marmara}},
  journal      = {MARINE GEOLOGY},
  year         = 2009,
  volume       = 265,
  number       = {3-4},
  pages        = {87-100},
  month        = jan,
Görüntülenme 35
İndirme 5
Veri hacmi 1.3 kB
Tekil görüntülenme 34
Tekil indirme 5

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