Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

TRA-1/GLI controls the expression of the Hox gene lin-39 during C. elegans vulval development

Szabo, Emese; Hargitai, Balazs; Regos, Agnes; Tihanyi, Borbala; Barna, Janos; Borsos, Eva; Takacs-Vellai, Krisztina; Vellai, Tibor


  author       = {Szabo, Emese and
                  Hargitai, Balazs and
                  Regos, Agnes and
                  Tihanyi, Borbala and
                  Barna, Janos and
                  Borsos, Eva and
                  Takacs-Vellai, Krisztina and
                  Vellai, Tibor},
  title        = {{TRA-1/GLI controls the expression of the Hox gene 
                   lin-39 during C. elegans vulval development}},
  journal      = {DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY},
  year         = 2009,
  volume       = 330,
  number       = 2,
  pages        = {339-348},
  month        = jan,
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Tekil indirme 6

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