Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Room temperature aerobic Suzuki cross-coupling reactions in DMF/water mixture using zeolite confined palladium(0) nanoclusters as efficient and recyclable catalyst

Durap, Feyyaz; Rakap, Murat; Aydemir, Murat; Ozkar, Saim


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  "created": "2021-03-15T12:35:09.387363+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.1016/j.apcata.2010.05.021", 
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    "creators": [
        "affiliation": "Dicle Univ, Dept Chem, TR-21280 Diyarbakir, Turkey", 
        "name": "Durap, Feyyaz"
        "affiliation": "Middle E Tech Univ, Dept Chem, TR-06531 Ankara, Turkey", 
        "name": "Rakap, Murat"
        "affiliation": "Dicle Univ, Dept Chem, TR-21280 Diyarbakir, Turkey", 
        "name": "Aydemir, Murat"
        "affiliation": "Middle E Tech Univ, Dept Chem, TR-06531 Ankara, Turkey", 
        "name": "Ozkar, Saim"
    "description": "Herein we report the use of zeolite confined palladium(0) nanoclusters as efficient and recyclable catalyst for Suzuki cross-coupling reactions of aryl bromides with phenylboronic acid. Zeolite confined palladium(0) nanoclusters are highly active catalyst for the Suzuki cross-coupling reactions under mild conditions (room temperature, in air) in DMF/water (1:9) mixture. A variety of aryl bromides undergo Suzuki cross-coupling with phenylboronic acid with quantitative GC yields of biaryl derivatives. Recycling experiments showed that zeolite confined palladium(0) nanoclusters can be used as recyclable catalyst in the Suzuki cross-coupling reactions. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.", 
    "doi": "10.1016/j.apcata.2010.05.021", 
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    "publication_date": "2010-01-01", 
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    "title": "Room temperature aerobic Suzuki cross-coupling reactions in DMF/water mixture using zeolite confined palladium(0) nanoclusters as efficient and recyclable catalyst"
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  "updated": "2021-03-15T12:35:09.429158+00:00"
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