Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim
Abul, Osman; Bonchi, Francesco; Nanni, Mirco
{ "DOI": "10.1016/", "abstract": "Preserving individual privacy when publishing data is a problem that is receiving increasing attention. Thanks to its simplicity the concept of k-anonymity, introduced by Samarati and Sweeney [1], established itself as one fundamental principle for privacy preserving data publishing. According to the k-anonymity principle, each release of data must be such that each individual is indistinguishable from at least k-1 other individuals.", "author": [ { "family": "Abul", "given": " Osman" }, { "family": "Bonchi", "given": " Francesco" }, { "family": "Nanni", "given": " Mirco" } ], "container_title": "INFORMATION SYSTEMS", "id": "27775", "issue": "8", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2010, 1, 1 ] ] }, "page": "884-910", "title": "Anonymization of moving objects databases by clustering and perturbation", "type": "article-journal", "volume": "35" }
Görüntülenme | 39 |
İndirme | 7 |
Veri hacmi | 1.1 kB |
Tekil görüntülenme | 38 |
Tekil indirme | 7 |