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Bursts from High-magnetic-field Pulsars Swift J1818.0-1607 and PSR J1846.4-0258

Uzuner, Mete; Keskin, Ozge; Kaneko, Yuki; Gogus, Ersin; Roberts, Oliver J.; Lin, Lin; Baring, Matthew G.; Gungor, Can; Kouveliotou, Chryssa; van der Horst, Alexander J.; Younes, George


  author       = {Uzuner, Mete and
                  Keskin, Ozge and
                  Kaneko, Yuki and
                  Gogus, Ersin and
                  Roberts, Oliver J. and
                  Lin, Lin and
                  Baring, Matthew G. and
                  Gungor, Can and
                  Kouveliotou, Chryssa and
                  van der Horst, Alexander J. and
                  Younes, George},
  title        = {{Bursts from High-magnetic-field Pulsars Swift 
                   J1818.0-1607 and PSR J1846.4-0258}},
  journal      = {ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL},
  year         = 2023,
  volume       = 942,
  number       = 1,
  pages        = 14,
  month        = jan,
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