Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Investigation of energy efficiency of heating systems in power plant boilers for different conditions with CFD analysis

   Yildizay, H. D.; Aydin, Oe.; Boeke, Y. Erhan; Uralcan, I. Y.; Sen, F.

Flame shape temperature distribution, CO2, and O-2 concentrations in the pulverized coal-fired boiler at Seyitomer Thermal Power Plant are numerically investigated for real operating conditions. The numerical results are compared with the measured results to validate the model. It is observed that the calculated and measured temperature differences are less than 50 K. For both numerical analysis and measurements, a decrease in O-2 concentrations and an increase in CO2 concentrations in the flame zone of the furnace are observed. The flame shape was numerically analyzed for various operating conditions of the burners. It is observed that the flame does not fill the boiler, narrows along the boiler, and disturbs the homogeneity of the temperature distribution for the cases when the opposite burners 2 and 5 are switched off separately. As a result, coal burners should be shut down during operation, considering proper flame formation. This study has provided important information to the literature for more efficient and environmentally friendly coal combustion in thermal power plants.

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