Proje çıktısı Açık Erişim

HORIZON EUROPE RIA PROJECT - CULTURATI_Deliverable D3.5 User Testing Report

Gürel, Eda; İkinci, Arzu Sibel


  "conceptdoi": "10.48623/aperta.264073", 
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  "created": "2024-05-26T15:35:06.734351+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.48623/aperta.264074", 
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    "contributors": [
        "affiliation": "Bilkent \u00dcniversitesi", 
        "name": "\u00d6z\u00e7elik, Ne\u015fe \u015eahin", 
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        "affiliation": "Bilkent \u00dcniversitesi", 
        "name": "G\u00fcrel, Eda"
        "affiliation": "Bilkent \u00dcniversitesi", 
        "name": "\u0130kinci, Arzu Sibel"
    "description": "<p>This deliverable aims to present the data and feedback collected from the initial user testing phase of the CULTURATI project. Due to delays in technology development, the report focuses on insights gathered from over 20 interviews conducted with content creators, which will guide the ongoing development and future user testing efforts.</p>", 
    "doi": "10.48623/aperta.264074", 
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    "keywords": [
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      "Sosyal ve Be\u015feri Bilimler > \u0130\u015fletme > Turizm ve Otel \u0130\u015fletmecili\u011fi", 
      "Teknik Bilimler > Bilgisayar Bilimleri > Yapay Zeka, Bilgisayarda \u00d6\u011frenme ve \u00d6r\u00fcnt\u00fc Tan\u0131ma"
    "title": "HORIZON EUROPE RIA PROJECT - CULTURATI_Deliverable D3.5 User Testing Report", 
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  "updated": "2024-05-26T15:35:06.817758+00:00"
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