Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim
{ "conceptrecid": "263748", "created": "2024-03-17T20:56:41.838308+00:00", "doi": "10.1007/s12034-023-02918-2", "files": [ { "bucket": "3b60d937-6a23-40eb-9777-381363b27cc1", "checksum": "md5:2018f48168e1628f016d34493095c000", "key": "2023_Q4_CaAgX.pdf", "links": { "self": "" }, "size": 1428706, "type": "pdf" } ], "id": 263749, "links": { "badge": "", "bucket": "", "doi": "", "html": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "" }, "metadata": { "access_right": "open", "access_right_category": "success", "creators": [ { "affiliation": "Sakarya Uygulamal\u0131 Bilimler \u00dcniversitesi", "name": "Salmankurt, Bahad\u0131r", "orcid": "0000-0001-7611-9647" } ], "description": "<p>First-principles calculations based on density functional theory have been used to explore the structural,<br>\nmechanical, vibrational and thermal properties of Nodal-Line Semimetal CaAgX (X = P, As) for the first time in detail.<br>\nFirstly, lattice parameters are obtained, and it is found that they are in excellent agreement with previous experimental<br>\ndata. The calculated elastic constants for hexagonal structures satisfy mechanical stability conditions. Thus, using elastic<br>\nconstants, bulk modulus, B/G ratio, shear ratio, Poisson’s ratio, Debye temperature and minimum thermal conductivity<br>\nhave been calculated. An attentive investigation of elastic and mechanical properties reveals that these compounds are<br>\nbrittle, and the hardest one is CaAgP, which also has the highest thermal conductivity. Also, the ionic character is<br>\ndominant in the bonding mechanism for all the studied materials. These materials are also dynamically stable because<br>\nnegative frequencies have not been observed. Lastly, CaAgP reaches</p>", "doi": "10.1007/s12034-023-02918-2", "has_grant": false, "language": "eng", "license": { "id": "cc-by-sa" }, "notes": "Nodal-line semimetals; density functional theory; mechanical properties; dynamical properties; thermal\nproperties.", "publication_date": "2023-04-20", "relations": { "version": [ { "count": 1, "index": 0, "is_last": true, "last_child": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "263749" }, "parent": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "263748" } } ] }, "resource_type": { "subtype": "article", "title": "Dergi makalesi", "type": "publication" }, "science_branches": [ "Temel Bilimler > Fizik > Yo\u011fun Madde 1:Yap\u0131sal, Mekanik ve Termal \u00d6zellikler > Yo\u011fun maddenin mekanik ve akustik \u00f6zellikleri", "Temel Bilimler > Fizik > Yo\u011fun Madde 1:Yap\u0131sal, Mekanik ve Termal \u00d6zellikler" ], "title": "Density functional theory investigation on the structural, mechanical, lattice dynamical and thermal properties of nodal-line semimetals CaAgX (X: P, As)" }, "owners": [ 1925 ], "revision": 1, "stats": { "downloads": 49.0, "unique_downloads": 47.0, "unique_views": 119.0, "version_downloads": 49.0, "version_unique_downloads": 47.0, "version_unique_views": 119.0, "version_views": 141.0, "version_volume": 70006594.0, "views": 141.0, "volume": 70006594.0 }, "updated": "2024-03-17T20:56:41.989749+00:00" }
Görüntülenme | 141 |
İndirme | 49 |
Veri hacmi | 70.0 MB |
Tekil görüntülenme | 119 |
Tekil indirme | 47 |