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Investigation of surface tension and viscosity properties of liquid Al–Au binary alloys

Hüseyin ARSLAN

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  <identifier identifierType="URL"></identifier>
      <creatorName>Hüseyin ARSLAN</creatorName>
      <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ORCID" schemeURI="">0000-0003-1509-7725</nameIdentifier>
      <affiliation>Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi</affiliation>
    <title>Investigation Of Surface Tension And Viscosity Properties Of Liquid Al–Au Binary Alloys</title>
    <subject>Surface tension; viscosity; geometric models; physical models; binary alloys</subject>
    <date dateType="Issued">2022-01-24</date>
  <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="Text">Journal article</resourceType>
    <alternateIdentifier alternateIdentifierType="url"></alternateIdentifier>
    <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType="DOI" relationType="IsIdenticalTo">10.1080/00084433.2021.2021498</relatedIdentifier>
    <rights rightsURI="">Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike</rights>
    <rights rightsURI="info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess">Open Access</rights>
    <description descriptionType="Abstract">&lt;p&gt;ABSTRACT&lt;br&gt;
The experimentally obtained isothermal surface tensions associated with liquid binary alloy Al-Au&lt;br&gt;
were obtained as the functions of temperature and composition. The obtained results are&lt;br&gt;
compared with theoretical predictions from the Eyring, Guggenheim, Improved Guggenheim,&lt;br&gt;
Butler, Ideal Butler, Ideal Solution, Kohler, Egry et al. and Chatain models. The slopes of surface&lt;br&gt;
tension with respect to temperature showed negative values. In addition, the experimental data&lt;br&gt;
on the viscosity were compared with those from different models, such as Sato, Gasior, Kaptay,&lt;br&gt;
Iida-Ueda-Morita, Seetharaman and Sichen, Kozlov-Romanov-Petrov, Kohler, MD (Molecular&lt;br&gt;
Dynamic), and Hirai models. The calculated square mean root deviation values of the models&lt;br&gt;
are given with respect to both surface tension and viscosity. The best agreement of the surface&lt;br&gt;
tensions among chosen models was obtained in the Kohler model for all ranges of Al and Au&lt;br&gt;
compositions, respectively.&lt;br&gt;
Les tensions superficielles isothermes exp&amp;eacute;rimentales associ&amp;eacute;es &amp;agrave; l&amp;rsquo;alliage binaire liquide Al-Au ont&lt;br&gt;
&amp;eacute;t&amp;eacute; obtenues en fonction de la temp&amp;eacute;rature et de la composition. Les r&amp;eacute;sultats obtenus sont&lt;br&gt;
compar&amp;eacute;s aux pr&amp;eacute;dictions th&amp;eacute;oriques des mod&amp;egrave;les de Eyring, Guggenheim, Guggenheim&lt;br&gt;
am&amp;eacute;lior&amp;eacute;, Butler, Butler id&amp;eacute;al, solution id&amp;eacute;ale, Kohler, Egry et al. et Chatain. Les pentes de la&lt;br&gt;
tension superficielle par rapport &amp;agrave; la temp&amp;eacute;rature ont montr&amp;eacute; des valeurs n&amp;eacute;gatives. De plus, on&lt;br&gt;
a compar&amp;eacute; les donn&amp;eacute;es exp&amp;eacute;rimentales sur la viscosit&amp;eacute; &amp;agrave; celle de diff&amp;eacute;rents mod&amp;egrave;les, tels les&lt;br&gt;
mod&amp;egrave;les de Sato, Gasior, Kaptay, Iida-Ueda-Morita, Seetharaman et Sichen, Kozlov-Romanov-&lt;br&gt;
Petrov, Kohler, MD (dynamique mol&amp;eacute;culaire) et Hirai. Les valeurs calcul&amp;eacute;es de d&amp;eacute;viation&lt;br&gt;
quadratique moyenne des mod&amp;egrave;les sont donn&amp;eacute;es par rapport &amp;agrave; la fois &amp;agrave; la tension superficielle&lt;br&gt;
et &amp;agrave; la viscosit&amp;eacute;. Le meilleur accord des tensions superficielles parmi les mod&amp;egrave;les choisis a &amp;eacute;t&amp;eacute;&lt;br&gt;
obtenu avec le mod&amp;egrave;le de Kohler pour toutes les gammes de compositions de Al et Au,respectivement.&lt;br&gt;
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