Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

The Effect of EFT Therapy in Medical Imaging Process'

   Akaras Esedullah; Karakurt Nurgül; Keçeci Tugay; Kasali Kamber



Due to MRI-related anxiety, some individuals cannot undergo the necessary scans for diagnosis. Thinking that EFT training will eliminate this problem, we aimed to investigate the effect of EFT therapy on anxiety and pulse levels in individuals with MRI-related anxiety.

Materials and Methods

Thirty adult individuals (age: 44.30±7.48 years) who had MRI-related anxiety were included in the study. Sociodemographic data of the individuals were collected. Later, EFT was applied to individuals who could not undergo MRI. Anxiety levels before and after EFT were evaluated by Spielberger State Anxiety form, and pulse rate was measured by pulse oximetry.

Results According to the analysis results, the anxiety levels of the individuals evaluated with the Spielberg State Anxiety Inventory questionnaire decreased significantly from 66,97±6,12 to 46,23±5,03 (p<0.001). The pulse rate of the individuals decreased significantly from 115,59±11,24 to 88,48±12,34 (p<0.001). There was a negative correlation between the duration of MRI scanning and the anxiety level measured after EFT therapy (r: -0.381; p = 0.0038).


As a result of our study, we can say that EFT therapy applied to individuals with fear of entering MRI, positively reduces the anxiety and pulse levels of individuals, and the application of this therapy to individuals with claustrophobia produced effective results.


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MR EFT spss_2.sav
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