Konferans bildirisi Açık Erişim

Hydrobiology and ecology in the context of climate change: the future of aquatic ecosystems

Çelekli, Abuzer; Zariç, Özgür Eren


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  "created": "2023-10-27T07:44:31.042103+00:00", 
  "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.10021473", 
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    "doi": "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10021473", 
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  "metadata": {
    "access_right": "open", 
    "access_right_category": "success", 
    "creators": [
        "affiliation": "Gaziantep \u00dcniversitesi", 
        "name": "\u00c7elekli, Abuzer", 
        "orcid": "0000-0002-2448-4957"
        "affiliation": "Gaziantep \u00dcniversitesi", 
        "name": "Zari\u00e7, \u00d6zg\u00fcr Eren", 
        "orcid": "0000-0001-5293-871X"
    "description": "<p>Climate change profoundly affects aquatic ecosystems, with consequential impacts on hydrobiology and global biodiversity. This review elucidates the multifaceted relationships between climate change, aquatic ecosystem&nbsp; health, and human society. By synthesizing current research and case studies, it extensively examines the&nbsp; physical impacts of climate change, including sea level rise, temperature fluctuations, and extreme weather&nbsp; events on aquatic environments. The review includes the ecological responses, identifying key areas such as&nbsp; the effects on aquatic organisms, habitat alteration, spread of invasive species, and water quality changes.&nbsp; Economic and social implications are also critically evaluated, focusing on fisheries, aquaculture, water&nbsp; provision, and recreational and cultural values. An in-depth analysis of adaptation and mitigation strategies,&nbsp; technological solutions, and policy recommendations is also presented to address these challenges.&nbsp; Hydrobiology, as the nexus of the study, offers critical insights into the interactions and complexities within&nbsp; aquatic ecosystems, underscoring the vital role of water organisms in maintaining ecosystem functions.&nbsp; Through the lens of hydrobiology, the review emphasizes the necessity for a comprehensive approach to&nbsp; understanding, predicting, and managing the changes occurring in aquatic environments. This review is a&nbsp; foundational resource for researchers, policymakers, environmental managers, and other stakeholders, aiming&nbsp; to foster informed decisions and effective strategies for conserving and sustainably managing aquatic ecosystems in the face of climate change. By highlighting the interconnectedness of climate, water, biology,&nbsp; and human society, it underscores the urgent need for integrative and collaborative efforts to protect the vitality&nbsp; and resilience of our planet&#39;s aquatic life.</p>", 
    "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.10021473", 
    "has_grant": false, 
    "imprint": {
      "isbn": "978-605-72134-2-6"
    "journal": {
      "pages": "539-545", 
      "title": "6th International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences"
    "keywords": [
      "Aquatic ecosystems", 
      "Climate change", 
    "language": "eng", 
    "license": {
      "id": "cc-by-nc-4.0"
    "meeting": {
      "dates": "11-13 October 2023", 
      "place": "Ankara, Turkey", 
      "url": "https://www.eurasianbiochem.org"
    "publication_date": "2023-10-18", 
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Görüntülenme 266
İndirme 253
Veri hacmi 529.9 MB
Tekil görüntülenme 202
Tekil indirme 222

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