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Feedback between climate change and eutrophication: revisiting the allied attack concept and how to strike back

Meerhoff, Mariana; Audet, Joachim; Davidson, Thomas A.; De Meester, Luc; Hilt, Sabine; Kosten, Sarian; Liu, Zhengwen; Mazzeo, Nestor; Paerl, Hans; Scheffer, Marten; Jeppesen, Erik


  author       = {Meerhoff, Mariana and
                  Audet, Joachim and
                  Davidson, Thomas A. and
                  De Meester, Luc and
                  Hilt, Sabine and
                  Kosten, Sarian and
                  Liu, Zhengwen and
                  Mazzeo, Nestor and
                  Paerl, Hans and
                  Scheffer, Marten and
                  Jeppesen, Erik},
  title        = {{Feedback between climate change and 
                   eutrophication: revisiting the allied attack
                   concept and how to strike back}},
  journal      = {INLAND WATERS},
  year         = 2022,
  volume       = 12,
  number       = 2,
  pages        = {187-204},
  month        = jan,
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