Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Radiation hardness study using SiPMs with single-cell readout

   Bychkova, O.; Parygin, P.; Garutti, E.; Kaminsky, A.; Martens, S.; Popova, E.; Schwandt, J.; Stifutkin, A.

A dedicated single-cell SiPM structure is designed and measured to investigate the radiation damage effects on the gain and turn-off voltage of SiPMs exposed to a reactor neutron fluence up to Phi = 5e13 cm(-2). The cell has a pitch of 15 mu m. The fluence dependence of gain and turn-off voltage are reported. A reduction of the gain by 19% and an increase of v(off)by asymptotic to 0.5 V is observed after Phi = 5e13 cm(-2).

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