Dergi makalesi Açık Erişim

Recent Advances of Optical Sensors for Copper Ion Detection

Gerdan, Zeynep; Saylan, Yeseren; Denizli, Adil

Dublin Core

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<oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="" xmlns:oai_dc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <dc:creator>Gerdan, Zeynep</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Saylan, Yeseren</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Denizli, Adil</dc:creator>
  <dc:description>A trace element copper (Cu2+) ion is the third most plentiful metal ion that necessary for all living organisms and playing a critical role in several processes. Nonetheless, according to cellular needs, deficient or excess Cu2+ ion cause various diseases. For all these reasons, optical sensors have been focused rapid Cu2+ ion detection in real-time with high selectivity and sensitivity. Optical sensors can measure fluorescence in the refractive index-adsorption from the relationships between light and matter. They have gained great attention in recent years due to the excellent advantages of simple and naked eye recognition, real-time detection, low cost, high specificity against analytes, a quick response, and the need for less complex equipment in analysis. This review aims to show the significance of Cu2+ ion detection and electively current trends in optical sensors. The integration of optical sensors with different systems, such as microfluidic systems, is mentioned, and their latest studies in medical and environmental applications also are depicted. Conclusions and future perspectives on these advances is added at the end of the review.</dc:description>
  <dc:source>MICROMACHINES 13(8)</dc:source>
  <dc:title>Recent Advances of Optical Sensors for Copper Ion Detection</dc:title>
Görüntülenme 16
İndirme 4
Veri hacmi 508 Bytes
Tekil görüntülenme 16
Tekil indirme 4

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