Tez Açık Erişim

Investigation by Finite Element Method of Masonry Vaults That Reinforced With Composites

Tarhan, İsmail Hakkı

Citation Style Language JSON

  "URL": "https://aperta.ulakbim.gov.tr/record/252235", 
  "abstract": "<p>Even though it has been exposed to various loads for years, the applications of restoration and strengthening of historical structures that have been arrived up to present day are an important issue in terms of transferring our historical heritage to future generations.</p>\n\n<p>The methods used for this purpose bring with it other disadvantages. New materials produced in parallel with the progress of technology in recent years can help overcome these disadvantages. The use of these materials in strengthening applications has become widespread. These materials, which are called fiber-reinforced polymer materials, are produced from fibers with good mechanical properties such as carbon, aramid, glass and basalt. However, materials produced using carbon fibers with better mechanical properties than other fibers find more applications and provide a more active reinforcement.</p>\n\n<p>72% of the world&#39;s boron raw materials are in our country. The material obtained from this element, known as BFRP (Boron Fiber Reinforced Polymer), may be a good alternative to the CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) material produced using carbon fiber. BFRP materials were also thought to be more active reinforcement materials with superior mechanical properties than CFRP, and their activity on the vaults was investigated from critical elements of historic masonry buildings. it has not yet taken place in the open access literature that BFRP material produced from boron fibers is used in civil engineering surveys or retrofits. In this sense, this thesis study is a pioneering work which will contribute to the literature.</p>\n\n<p>The samples of brick vaults on the redoubts in Erzurum province were examined, the measurements were taken on a determined brick vault and analyzed on the unreinforced vault by Ansys Workbench 17.0 program and the regions where tensile stress occurred were examined. On the 9 strengthening types determined according to this, 9 reinforcement types were analyzed for reinforcement applications made with both BFRP and CFRP materials, respectively. In the analyzes, the changes in the frequency values were investigated by performing modal analysis together with the results of the total deformation and tensile stresses due to the static linear load determined according to the literature. According to the results obtained, the total deformation of all reinforcements in both materials is limited. Frequency values increased for all types of reinforcement. The composites reduced the tensile stress value significantly It has also been found that the alternative BFRP material provides more effective results than CFRP in all analysis results.</p>", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Tarhan", 
      "given": " \u0130smail Hakk\u0131"
  "id": "252235", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "language": "tur", 
  "title": "Investigation by Finite Element Method of Masonry Vaults That Reinforced With Composites", 
  "type": "thesis"
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